
Channel News

They Said IT

“The company’s technology covered by the 327 patent is an important resource in achieving enhanced graphics processing…

How much is your firm worth?

OnX’s plan to sell its VAR business for $6.8 million could be a benchmark of the market value today of such firms

Hosted e-mail for channel resale

A provider of hosted Microsoft Exchange e-mail services for enterprises has launched a version for channel resale aimed at small and mid-sized companies.

Palm, Microsoft now partners

With the launch of its latest smartphone, the Treo 700wx, Palm is providing business customers with a choice: Either the Palm or Microsoft OS

Oracle shocks Linux groups

Oracle has surprised the Linux community by announcing it will provide the same enterprise class support for the open source operating system as it gives for its database, applications and middleware.

OnX hopes split will pay off

One of the country’s largest solution providers is carving its VAR business from the $60-million firm’s managed services operations in hopes of boosting its revenues and share price.


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