SAP to fight Oracle’s US$1.3 billion jury award
SAP says the amount is disproportionately high for its offensernrn
SAP says the amount is disproportionately high for its offensernrn
The protests in Cairo grew larger after the government action, an Egyptian blogger saysrnrn
Canonical, the distributor of Ubuntu, has also climbed on board, bringing the number of suporters to about 50rnrn
Its consumer campaign is sowing market confusion and diving the final nail in the popular buzzword
Great performance and gaming meet sleek design and a weak keyboard
Plus, mobile data traffic and wireless security
Identity-as-a-service is expected to become more relevant as the popularity of software-as-a-service increases
Completely redesigned interface, new developer controls highlight a more user-friendly Android that’s optimized for tablets
Here are some tips for a smooth deployment
The team at iFixit forecast what’s coming down the pipe from Apple, and dish on
The knock to business confidence is yet to be calculatedrnrn
Dell, Lenovo, HP and Falcon Northwest make plans for dealing with the flawrnrn
National Center for Women & IT says 25 per cent of U.S. IT pros in 2009 were women, down from 36 per cent eight years earlierrnrn
Dell’s inexpensive XPS 8300 is a true force to be reckoned with for its speeds, connections, and do-no-wrong attitude
Plus, AMD’s new AMD E-350 chip and the changing roles of IT managers