Channel Daily News

A eulogy for RIM

June 24, 2011

Alas, poor RIM and BlackBerry, we knew them well


 Jason Perlow delivers a eulogy for RIM.

“But we cannot say that we did not see this coming. Clearly, we knew that RIM was sick and its health was failing very early in 2011, particularly with the massive drop in market share starting in the summer of 2010 which has only gotten worse and worse.”

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FTC’s Google antitrust case: Investigation rumour roundup

Computerworld (US)

Richi Jennings looks at the rumours surrounding the probe.

“The probe would focus on whether Google is … unfairly driving traffic to its growing group of Web properties. … Representatives of Google and the FTC declined to comment.”

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Future of the cloud is hybrid

The Register

Trevor Pott writes on why mixing and matching data centres is key.

“For small to medium enterprises (SME), the chance of moving buildings to address these issues is statistically slim. Full-blown hosted cloud services lack the warm fuzzies of having your own data on hand, and raw co-location can get quite expensive.”

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