Channel Daily News

A search engine run on emotion

Aug. 1, 2007
A search engine run on emotion
Business 2.0
Future Boy gives us his guide to the 21st century.

”Think Google knows how to organize the Internet? Someone, someday, is going to come up with a more compelling visual version of search, and computer scientist Jonathan Harris might just be that man.”

What’s your opinion?

Facebook doubles its rates in four months
Owen Thomas says Facebook has overshot its revenue estimates.

“Rip up your Facebook revenue estimates and start over, everyone. Since February, Facebook has doubled the rates it charged for sponsored groups from $150,000 to $300,000.”

What’s your opinion?

The downside of military outsourcing
Pink Slip
Boston-based writer Maureen Rogers discusses high tech layoffs on her blog.

“When I was growing up, one of the humorous military situations you could always count on showing up in the Beetle Bailey comics, or on the Sgt. Bilko show, was someone getting stuck peeling potatoes on K.P.”

What’s your opinion?