Channel Daily News

Apple’s iPhone goes mainstream thanks to new pricing

June 11, 2009
Acer’s Android smartphone to launch in November
Register Hardware
James Sherwood writes that according to reports, Acer will launch its first Android-based smartphone in November.

“Acer may be launching nine smartphones this year, but only one is expected to run the Google OS – the remaining eight will use Windows Mobile.”

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iPhone – Cool goes mass market
ZD Net
Adrian Kingsley-Hughes writes why Apple’s iPhone is so appealing to the mass market.

“At (its) WWDC keynote speech, Apple made an announcement that significantly changes its iPhone business model – by cutting the price of the iPhone 3G 8GB model (not the newer iPhone 3GS) to $99, the iPhone has just become a mass market cell phone. Considering the hype that continues to surrounds this handset, the new price point will draw the attention of those looking to surf the iPhone wave but who weren’t flush enough to be able to afford it before.”

Juniper Research: Cheap Phones Are Big Business
Robin Wauters writes that according to a report from Juniper Research, by 2014, annual sales of low-budget mobile devices will increase to more than 700 million units.

“Of the 700 million low-cost handsets expected to be sold in 2014, Juniper Research believes around 24 per cent will be sold in Africa and the Middle East.”

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