Channel Daily News

Apple’s thoughts on the Palm Pre

January 26, 2009
Microsoft reports $100M decline in Zune revenue
Ross Miller reveals more bad news about Microsoft’s current financial state.

“Microsoft’s newly-announced layoffs and declining profits aren’t the only bad news in Redmond – according to the company’s quarterly statements, Zune platform revenue decreased $100 million, or 54 per cent compared to the same quarter last year, due to falling device sales. Mega-ouch.”

What’s your opinion?

Reflections on 2008: The Year of Cloud Computing
Web Monkey
Scott Loganbill writes about some of the big vendor players who had a good year in cloud computing last year.

“Big players in 2008 were Google, Amazon, Facebook and Yahoo. Microsoft gets honorable mention for Internet Explorer 8 previews and Silverlight 2, but with Vista and the loss of Bill Gates in the captain’s chair, it was not quite Microsoft’s year. In general, much of the big wins in 2008 came from browsers and open source technology.”

Apple threatens Palm over Pre
ZD Net
Richard Kornan provides some of Tim Cook’s, Apple’s acting CEO comments in response to Palm’s newly announced Pre device.

“Cook: ‘We like competition, as long as they don’t rip off our IP, and if they do, we’re going to go after anybody that does…We will not stand for having our IP ripped off and we’ll use whatever weapons we have at our disposal [to make sure that doesn’t happen]. I don’t know that I can be more clear than that.’”