Channel Daily News

Belkin FastFit keyboard case for iPad Mini

Belkin FastFit keyboard

Belkin has launched what it calls the lightest Bluetooth keyboard available, the FastFit Bluetooth Wireless Keyboard Case, for Apple’s iPad Mini.

The FastFit keyboard cover  is just 7 millimetres thick — thinner than the iPad Mini itself. The development team at Belkin dubbed the keyboard the “Skinny Mini,” Ohad Zeira, director of product management  for Belkin, said in a statement.

Belkin FastFit

Belkin claims the keyboard can last for 155 hours of active use without needing a charge, and will last three months on standby. Other features include:

* Auto-wake activates the iPad when the cover is operend, and puts it in sleep mode when the cover is closed.

* Function-specific keys for copying and pasting.

* Multimedia keys to control music and audio volume.

* Accommodation for iPad Mini in both portrait and landscape modes.

* Each key in the Belkin TruType keyboard has a spring mechanism that provides tactile feedback.

The keyboard retails for $79.99. You can see a video of it in action here.