Channel Daily News

Can Bill Gates disengage from Microsoft?

July 31, 2007
Can Gates truly disengage from Microsoft
Seattle Post Intelligencer
Todd Bishop posts a story about Bill Gates transitioning away from the company he founded.

”The greatest danger, according to all three executives, would be if Mr. Gates continues to make decisions while not staying deeply involved. He will remain chairman.”

What’s your opinion?

Cisco backpedals from Linksys brand death
Tech Target
Chris Premeiberger talks about the pre-mature death of Linksys.

“Cisco Systems President and CEO John Chambers apparently was speaking ahead of himself last week when he told journalists and analysts at a press briefing in Anaheim that Linksys-well-known for making Wi-Fi hardware for home offices and small businesses-would eventually be folded into the overall Cisco brand.”

What’s your opinion?

The flashing VCR syndrome
Turbo blog
Todd Watson is in his 15th year with IBM. He began his career working on two software magazines, for which he wrote on a variety of business technology topics before joining IBM’s Internet division in 1995.

“The average American owns an estimated 25 consumer electronics, and will spend another $1,200 this year acquiring more. Yet we’re ever more perplexed by our gadgets than ever. I call it the flashing VCR syndrome (you know, when you used to own an actual VCR, the clock was always flashing because you didn’t know how to program it?) Guilty as charged. Actually, I try to learn how to work a lot of these gadgets myself, because I suspect I’m way above average in terms of both spend and usage.”

What’s your opinion?