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CEA 2016 Best Small Business Solution Winners

Sonia Couto of Konverge Digital Solutions reacts to winning the Best Small Business Solution award at the 2016 Channel Elite Awards

Thanks to Toronto-based Konverge Digital Solutions savvy restaurant patrons could enjoy that second helping of apple pie after their main course.
Konverge captured the 2016 Best Small Business Solution Gold award at the CDN Channel Elite Awards gala for its innovative nutrition calculator software platform solution for restaurants.
Called MenuSano, Konverge offered it in a software-as-a-service option. This helped restaurants better calculate their menu items nutrition effectively and efficiently.
Sonia Couto, the director of operations at Konverge, who was on hand at the Channel Elite Awards show, said MenuSano allows consumers to see their nutritional facts of the menu items. The solution helps restaurants meet the needs of their clients while cutting costs.
Couto added that since launching the company in 1994, and to this day, they follow their core principles of commitment, innovation and evolution in every project.

CEA Silver Winner

Mississauga, Ont.-based Infinite IT Solutions won the silver award in this category because of their diligent disaster recovery efforts that helped their client avoid a possible catastrophe.
The company’s iNOC (Internet Network Operations Centre) noticed that there was strange behaviour being reported at the customer’s site right before a long weekend. Within minutes of the pattern being identified, the iNOC contacted the on-call manager for the client to check out what was happening.
The customer’s data room had been destroyed by a flood, though a lot more damage could have been done if the Infinite IT team hadn’t deployed an emergency response team onsite within an hour of being asked for support.

CEA Bronze Winner

The bronze award for Best Small Business Solution went to Toronto’s Digitcom Canada Inc.

The Digitcom solution stood out for the Channel Elite Awards judges because of its implementation of a ‘single image’ networked voice solution that allowed the customer to consolidate five service desks into one centrally managed call centre.
By unifying and centralizing their client’s customer service departments under one call centre manager, the customer was able to notice an immediate increase in customer satisfaction during client interactions with the service desk and on-site customer service, as well as consistent improved communications within the call centre.