Channel Daily News

Cisco forecasts its revenue growth over the next few years

September 18, 2008
Cisco: TelePresence will do for Cisco what iPhone did for Apple
Network World
Cisco Subnet reports findings as cited by Bloomberg, where Cisco executives forecast their future earnings.

“Cisco’s $300,000 TelePresence setup will do for Cisco what the iPhone did for Apple – boost the company’s sales. Cisco CEO John Chambers made the comment at the company’s analyst meeting today, reports Bloomberg, which cites Cisco Senior VP Marthin De Beer as saying that Cisco could reap annual TP sales worth $1 billion by the second half of 2009. Chambers also reiterated that Cisco will meet its target of 12 per cent to 17 per cent annual revenue growth over the next few years.”

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Samsung turns hostile on SanDisk
Channel Register
Chris Mellor writes that despite Samsung’s $5.85 billion-all-cash buyout offer for SanDisk, the company still wants more money.

“SanDisk is willing to be bought but wants more money. Its share price rose 4.3 per cent yesterday, up to $15.03, signaling no great enthusiasm in the market. Samsung’s bid is a big premium over yesterday’s closing price. A bid north of $28.75 per share, say $30/share, would value SanDisk at $6.75billion. If Toshiba or another bidder enters the fray then that is a price SanDisk has virtually said it would accept. If there is a bidding battle Samsung would have to raise its offer, up to $7billion, or more.”

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Dell bolstering managed printer service strategy
Joe Panettieri offers his thoughts on Dell’s managed printer service offering.

“Dell may be in the best position to jump-start the managed printer services market. Dell pieced together its initial managed print strategy in 2006. But this time around, the company has all of the key technology components under its roof: Dell printers, ink services, as well as Dell managed services platforms (Silverback and Everdream, both of which Dell acquired last year).”

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