Channel Daily News

Cisco’s UCS is generating lots of interest, but little sales

January 22, 2010
Seagate sales surge in Q2
The Register
Chris Mellor recaps Seagate’s second fiscal quarter revenue results for 2010.

“Seagate’s second fiscal 2010 quarter was a blast, with revenues up a third and half a billion profit. Seagate took $3.3 billion in the last calendar quarter of 2009, that’s 33 per cent up on the year-ago quarter’s $2.27 billion. It made a $533 million profit, which compares astoundingly well to the loss of $2.8 billion – yes, billion – a year ago.”

What’s your opinion?

Cisco UCS generating lots of interest, little sales
Network World
Cisco Subnet writes that although Cisco’s Unified Computing System has a lot of “interest,” there still aren’t enough sales to go with it.

“According to Oppenheimer & Co. analyst Ittai Kidron, ‘Our checks suggest UCS interest is strong and the number of production networks is rising. That said, we believe the lack of extensive application support is keeping some waiting for V2.0 before adopting. More than 70 per cent of qualified respondents look for moderate UCS adoption in 2010.’”

Apple tablet: 70% won’t spend more than $700, survey says
ZD Net

Andrew Nusca shares some results from a recent survey by Retrevo, that looks at what consumers want in an Apple tablet.

“Seventy per cent of consumers won’t spend more than $700 for an Apple tablet, and consumers were equally split over whether they would pay for 3G connectivity, according to a new study. According to a new survey by Retrevo, 44 per cent of consumers said they would not buy the rumored iTablet or iPad if it required a monthly data plan, while 39 per cent said they wouldn’t buy one without it. 75 per cent of respondents said they wouldn’t buy the tablet unless it had a battery life of more than six hours.”

What’s your opinion?