Channel Daily News

Compugen Green4Good program partners with Aeroplan

Compugen’s Green4Good program has partnered with the loyalty points provider Aeroplan.

According to Compugen’s VP of Finance Steve Glover, customers can now buy Green4Good notebooks or a 17-inch LCD display using Aeroplan points.

Here is a sample of what is offered on Aeroplan.

Started in November of 2010, Compugen’s award winning Green4Good program has helped local charities such as Homeward Bound, operated by WoodGreen Community Services among others. And, now the program is branching out to help needy children in Africa.

The Green4Good program is an IT asset disposition solution that effectively eliminates the environmental impact of a business function that is critical to virtually every organization – the disposition of end-of-life IT assets – thus contributing to an organization’s ‘sustainable IT’ goals, while at the same time turning the net residual value of decommissioned IT assets into assistance for charitable organizations.