Channel Daily News

Computer Aid Christmas appeal tackles digital divide

PC recycling charity Computer Aid International has launched its Christmas Appeal, seeking cash donations and computers to help developing countries reduce the existing digital divide.

Anja Ffrench, director of communications at Computer Aid International, said: “Widespread poverty across the developing world has complex and multiple reasons, of which the lack of access to ICT is one, and poor access to education and knowledge is another.

“As a tool ICT makes a real difference to people’s livelihoods, as having ICT can significantly improve sustainable poverty reduction initiatives and can play a vital role in education, healthcare, governance, economic growth and rural development.”

Computer Aid is asking for both corporate and individual donations of unwanted hardware. Financial donations will enable the charity to continue to provide ICT training, refurbish and ship high quality PCs and laptops, develop software, and provide innovative solutions such as solar powered ICT systems and telemedicine kits.

Computer Aid recently drafted a guide to help companies understand and adopt best practice in IT disposal procedures, after research was published showing the majority of firms do not recylce computers.