Channel Daily News

Crazy for Facebook

July 6, 2007
RIAA haters
Bit Player
Jon Healey writes about the love/hate relationship Hollywood has with IT.

“RIAA haters may take delight in this seemingly unwinnable game of whack-a-mole, but there’s a larger point here. Like its predecessor, the new site arques that the music industry should embrace it because it’s willing to pay royalties in accordance with what it claims to be Russian law.”

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Crazy for Facebook
The Tech Chronicles
Ellen Lee discusses traffic on Facebook.

“Nearly 16 million people used the site in May, averaging 186 minutes. Facebook initially limited its site to members with e-mail addresses from a university, high school or business, but started to allow anyone with an e-mail address to sign up in September.”

What’s your opinion?

Adventures in iPhone land
Tech Web
John Soat has a new iPhone topic. Does the CIO have interest in the product?

“Hello, and welcome to CIOs Uncensored. Here you�ll find a forum for the concerns of the CIO community, voiced by the CIO community.”

What’s your opinion?