Channel Daily News

Five ways to differentiate your company

August 11, 2010
Blackberry, Windows still own the enterprise but . . .
Network World
Jon Oltsik offers his advice on how vendors can gain market share in the mobile device space.

“Unlike consumers, enterprises want more than just cool devices — application development, device management, security, and integration into the existing infrastructure are all important considerations. Vendors need to find the right combination of consumer cool and corporate requirements support if they want to defend their position or gain share in the enterprise.”

What’s your opinion?

Five Ways to Determine What Differentiates Your Company
Maurice Saluan shares tips on how businesses can better differentiate themselves when they go to market.

“Here are five ways to determine your company’s unique value proposition and use it to market your company: know the customer, prove your value, highlight differences, create the message (and) prove it again.”

4 Lessons Small Businesses Can Learn from Apple’s Antennagate
Ben Parr shares some lessons businesses can learn from Apple’s Antennagate mishaps.

“Here are a few things, both positive and negative, that small businesses should take away from Apple’s Antennagate: address the real problem, take control of the situation, make reparations and don’t be cheap (and) better late than never.”

What’s your opinion?