Channel Daily News

HP board target of partner anger over Autonomy drama

Partners are lashing-out after Hewlett-Packard Co.‘s (NYSE: <a href="" target="_blank" HPQ) bombshell earlier week that it would take an US$8.8 billion charge related to its US$10.2 billion acquisition of UK software company Autonomy, claiming it was misled about the value of the company.

HP’s board of directors, which oversaw the controversial megadeal, is bearing the brunt of partner ire over the deal, which led to the vendor reporting a net loss of US$6.9 billion for tis fourth quarter. Here’s a sampling of partner commentary from CRN:

* “It is amazing how much incompetence they have shown at the top board level.”

* “The board is incompetent, incompetent, incompetent.”

* “The Autonomy guys were laughing all the way to the bank.”