Channel Daily News

HP, Staples offer free electronic waste recycling

HP, Staples offer free electronic waste recycling On ZDNet,  gives the details of the new program. “The intent of the program is to encourage more people to be aware of the need to recycle and to ensure that technology is handled by recycling processors that are certified either to the e-Stewards or R2 specifications. Those specifications include rules for how materials are handled so that they pose less of a risk to humans; they also focus on preventing technology from being exported to countries that have much less stringent electronics recycling standards,” she explains. What’s your opinion?

Gartner: Cloud battle is about vendors, not technologies On Talkin’ Cloud, explains why. “While it’s still too early to say, CloudStack might — and I repeat, might — have a real edge in terms of clarity of mission. That is, until another big player comes along. That may be several years away, but in this environment, tech companies constantly must plan for the development that could render their business models obsolete,” he writes. What’s your opinion?

Teens break up with Facebook On The Register, Matt Asay provides some context. “As the youth flee Facebook for the relative obscurity of Twitter, and investors start to chafe at the warts in Facebook’s business model, Twitter may start to look like a comparatively cheap bet compared to Facebook’s $100bn valuation,” he explains. What’s your opinion?