Screens that measure 14 inches aren’t uncommon today. But how about a display panel that weighs a hefty 14 lbs?
Yikes. That’s enough to give you a hernia in this day of uberportability.
Yet Intel unveiled a weighty prototype of a desktop computer todaycalled the Adaptive All-in-One. Shown off at the Intel Developer’sConference in San Francisco, the desktop features the guts of apersonal computer with a display panel that is 27 inches and can doubleas a tablet on its own.
The idea is a sort of hybrid device with the power of a desktop PC thatcan also offer the portability of a tablet if detached at the touchscreen. At 14 lbs, however, that’s asking today’s consumers to carry alot, literally.
As you can read in this blog from PC World, thereporter isn’t buying this concept. And we’re betting that no one elsereally will either.