Channel Daily News

Iomega tempts SMBs with low-end storage

Iomega, the backup and storage vendor acquired by EMC earlier this year, has released a cheap network storage appliance aimed at the small business and home markets.

The Iomega StorCenter ix2 houses two SATA-II drives, and although it has been around now for a year or so as a storage device, it now incorporates EMC’s Linux-based LifeLine software, which has broadened the features it can offer both the small business and consumer by adding EMC’s LifeLine software.

Iomega says that with just four mouse clicks, users can configure up to two terabytes of storage.

On the consumer side, Iomega has built-in support for Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) and Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA)-certified devices, which will allow for electronic devices to be easily plugged into the home network, so they can connect with each other reliably and simply. The StorCenter ix2 can act as a ‘home hub’ or ‘media server’, which can stream or play music (it also has a built-in iTunes server) and videos. It can display photographs, and other digital content to any connected device (such as television or laptop).

The StorCenter ix2 integrates EMC Retrospect Express backup software, and the Mozy online backup service is also included. During the set-up process, users can choose files and folders for scheduled automatic backups from all the PCs and Macs on their network. After that, any changes or additions are updated and saved automatically.

The device comes has 128MB of RAM on board, and has a 1Gbit Ethernet port, along with two USB ports. Melissargos says that more storage devices can be added, in case 2TB is not enough backup capacity.