Channel Daily News

Is Apple coming out with a netbook?

April 21, 2009
Sun and Oracle… Hope for Solaris?
Network World
Matthew Nickasch offers his thoughts on Oracle’s acquisition of Sun.

“Was Oracle smart to make such an acquisition? Absolutely. By immersing themselves into the server OS and hardware markets, Oracle now has complete control over a viable platform, hardware and software, to launch their database, ERP, and collaboration products. The potential for turnkey solutions (hardware, OS, and application) is unlimited now for Oracle … although time will ultimately dictate the success and popularity of such a solution.”

What’s your opinion?

Bell Canada Looking To Use Pricing Change To Knock Out Competitors
Mike Masnick summarizes what Bell Canada will be doing with its prices and how this change will affect other communications providers.

“Bell Canada is looking to change how it charges these other providers, moving from flat-rate wholesale pricing to usage-based billing, which will put a significant squeeze on these reseller ISPs. It seems pretty clearly designed to hurt these partners, and limit how they can differentiate themselves to customers. This is one of the many problems of handing control over a national network infrastructure to one private company. Doing so creates tremendous incentives to limit how others can use it.”

Foxconn may have contract to manufacture Apple netbook
ZD Net
Jason D. O’Grady writes that according to Chinese-language site Commercial Times,F oxconn Electronics may be manufacturing a netbook for Apple.

“Details are extremely thin, but it’s not unrealistic. Apple has been looking very closely at the growing netbook market with some sources suggesting that Steve Jobs may be leading Apple’s netbook efforts while working from home during his six-month hiatus. Foxconn has manufactured iPods, iPhones and MacBooks for Apple in the past, so it’s feasible that they’d bid for the contract to build a netbook for Apple.”

What’s your opinion?