Channel Daily News

It is all about the iPhone today

June 29, 2007
Talking on the iPhone
The Tech Chronicles
Ellen Lee interviews someone talking on an Apple iPhone.

“We got a chance to chat with Fred Devereux, AT&T’s vice president and general manager of its wireless business in northern California. He is, of course, overwhelmed with iPhone-related work. But he made some time to chat about the iPhone launch tomorrow.”

What’s your opinion?

The real Web kills the iPhone
Tech Web
Eric Zeman tells all of us to “get real”.

“Apple CEO Steve Jobs was so happy to show off the fact that the iPhone’s browser lets users experience the real Internet that he forgot one important fact: The “real” Internet requires speed.”

What’s your opinion?

Rock and roll suicide
Tech Dirt
Mike Masnick reports on the Rolling Stones writing the obituary for the recording industry’s suicide.

“Yeah, it’s not like most of the folks outside of the recording industry didn’t recognize this years ago, but Rolling Stone has pretty much summed up the situation in the recording industry by writing what is effectively an obituary for the industry’s suicide.”

What’s your opinion?