Channel Daily News

It’s the data, stupid!

Nov. 9, 2007
Selling business to business users
IT World Canada
Aaron Nithyanandam has some advice on how to sell a system to the users.

”Empower the users to get involved during the design process. If it is logically not possible to get the entire user base, which could very well go into a large number based on the complexity and size of the project, you could pick out certain key users and get them involved.”

What’s your opinion?

Open Social: It’s the data, stupid
O’Reilly Radar
Tom O’Reilly isn’t keen on Google’s new OpenSocial platform.

“My disappointment with OpenSocial was crystallized by an exchange between Patrick Chanezon, Google’s developer advocate for the program, and an audience member at the OpenSocial session at Web 2.0 Expo Berlin. The audience member asked something about building applications that can remix data from the participating social networking platforms. Patrick’s answer was along the lines of: ‘No, you only have access to the data of the individual platform or application.’ This is SO wrong. And it shows a fundamental failure to understand two key principles of Web 2.0…”

What’s your opinion?

But hey, that’s our kind of user!
Sharky takes us on a drip into the Shark Tank of true tales of IT life…

”It’s the late 1980s, and this nursing company has installed small Unix minicomputers in all its remote offices, reports a consultant pilot fish on the project…“

What’s your opinion?