Channel Daily News

Mac faithful willingly play the waiting game for iPhone

I will make a bold prediction that by the time Apple’s iPhone arrives in Canada it will be free (with a catch) just like the other cellphones on the market today.It is really unfortunate that Apple Canada and the carriers can’t figure things out to make the iPhone available here. Apple earlier this year did a bang-up job of creating hype around the product. Don’t get me wrong, I like what Apple is doing. They are creating valuable products, the type people want and are willing to pay a premium for. Having said that, Apple Canada should straighten-out this problem. The Mac faithful have waited long enough for their iPhones.

I would really like to know what they are waiting for. Has Apple Canada seen the long line-ups in the U.S. for this product?

You have to have a powerful device if celebrities such as Spike Lee and Whoopi Goldberg waited in long line-ups to get the iPhone in New York. Celebrities do not have to wait for anything. This is how powerful Apple’s brand is and what a drawing card the iPhone has become.

I have been dealing with Apple Canada recently and have asked questions such as: “When is the iPhone going to be released?” Now I completely understand these announcements have to be hush-hush. But, I usually get something like: “Hey, Paolo save this date” or something like that.

Instead I get nothing.

So far all I have received in communications is we will let you know if the iPhone will be released in Canada.

Shouldn’t Apple Canada tell customers anxiously awaiting to drop $600 plus on this device that the product is coming and to be patient?

But instead Apple customers get the same treatment as pesky reporters…nothing. I am sure Canadian customers have called them. I am sure Mac dealers have called them. I am sure Rogers and Bell have made an inquiry.

Now, the only facts I have are that the iPhone has been released in the U.S., that it will be released in Europe. I have also learned that the carriers in Canada, along with distributors, do not have any iPhones in their warehouses in anticipation of an iPhone release event.

I am sure Apple will first have iPhones available at its Apple Stores in Canada and therefore they may not need a distributor.

Distributors do have the Apple iTouch, which works like an iPhone just without service.

At this stage, I am not sure if Apple Canada wants to release the iPhone.

I understand there are carrier service issues to be ironed out such as billing and cost. But the question I have is why hasn’t Apple ironed them out? Do they care to iron them out? We don’t know the answer and that is the problem. Apple should have figured all these things out before over-hyping the iPhone.