Channel Daily News

Managed services software: Like the 1980s PC software market?

October 17, 2011

Managed services software: Like the 1980s PC software market? On MSPmentor, explores N-able’s growth prospects. “So perhaps N-able isn’t the next billion-dollar software company. Generally speaking, neither are many of its rivals and peers. But there’s still value in big stretch goals. And when it comes to explaining a growth strategy, Garbutt has stated his vision pretty clearly now for about three years (perhaps more). He’s using a freemium software strategy — get a free trial, then shift to a paid approach — to rapidly grow N-able’s installed base of managed devices,” he writes. What’s your opinion? 

Gartner: Acer’s glory days may be over: On the Register,  Paul Kunert looks at what the analyst firm has to say. ” Acer used to pay well to get the channel to carry its stock, and though this often made some disties feel nervous about the cash tied up in warehouses, customers’ appetite for low-cost notebooks meant inventory turned frequently and the model worked,” he writes. What’s your opinion? 

Can IT save government? Perhaps with a better budget: On ZDNet, looks at what smart government means. ” Smart government isn’t about the vendor pitches as much as it is about doing technology cheaply. Why is that important? Government entities are broke—and that’s a complement since some are over their heads in debt. Since that situation isn’t likely to change, governments need IT for sustainability—the financial kind,” he writes.What’s your opinion?