Channel Daily News

Microsoft to price Surface RT tablet at $400 to $500

Microsoft’s new Surface tablet, slated to ship later this month, will be priced between $399 and $499, an analyst said today, in the same ballpark as Apple’s iconic iPad.

Right now Microsoft is floating this price range but will firm things up after next week when Samsung, HP, Dell and others unveil there pricing structure.

Related story: Microsoft boss ballparks Surface pricing

Right now only Acer released a starting price for its new Iconia W510 tablets running Windows 8 and Intel’s Atom chip code-named Clover Trail. The Acer product will be priced at $499. Would that price spur Microsoft to pricing over $500?

But I have to think that the Microsoft Surface will be at the top end of that range. I think Microsoft want to offer it as a premium buy and the buzz around silicon valley is there for the Surface. When I was there last I heard a lot of talk about the mysterous Surface product and that will get people to get interested in the product.

Plus Microsoft can now get into the community with its Microsoft stores. This was something they were unable to do previously. The Microsoft store can work locally to create a buzz in the area and create demand. I will not be surprised to see lineups for the new product when released.

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