Channel Daily News

Microsoft’s Lync Online: What’s

May 19, 2011

Microsoft’s Lync Online: What’s coming when


Mary Jo Foley looks at what users can expect from Microsoft’s unified communications product in the coming months.

“Microsoft has been touting the souped-up VoIP capabilities of Lync Server, such as its integration with e-mail, calendaring, IM and conferencing, calling that integrated functionality ‘enterprise voice.’ Microsoft will be launching the Microsoft-hosted version of Lync as part of Office 365 – the successor to Microsoft Business Productivity Online Suite (BPOS).”

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Apple’s Tiny SIM Card Could Help Gadgets Slim Down


Brian X. Chen reports on what Apple’s desire for slimmed down products might mean for the telecom industry and other manufacturers.

“Apple’s iPhone 4 and iPad both already use a smaller SIM card, the Micro SIM, a standard developed by ETSI. The Micro SIM has the same thickness as the larger, full-size SIM, but includesenhancements to better communicate with networks – so it’s unlikely that Micro SIM helped reduce thickness of the products.”

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Fail: RIM sells 250,000 PlayBooks

The Loop

Jim Dalrymple reports on RIM’s poor sales with its iPad competitor.

“Why is this a fail? RIM’s co-CEOs have repeatedly said they believe the PlayBook was better than the iPad. Apparently they are the only ones that think so.Let’s take a look at the first day the original iPad went on sale. Apple sold more than 300,000 iPads in one day.”

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