Channel Daily News

Microsoft’s new acquisition targets big data analytics

Microsoft announced today its acquisition of Revolution Analytics, which specializes in software and services for R, a programming language used for statistical computing and graphics.

“We are making this acquisition to help more companies use the power of R and data science to unlock big data insights with advanced analytics,” said Joseph Sirosh, corporate vice president of machine learning at Microsoft in a statement.

The company’s move falls in line with growing industry efforts to gain insight from big data, turning numbers into useful information.

Sirosh said that verticals of all kinds need to make data-driven decisions as well as “reduce the data science and analytics skills gap inside their organizations.”

Revolution Analytics makes a platform that allows for the deployment of R-based analytic solutions in enterprise environments.  According to Microsoft, the solution is able to scale across large data warehouses and Hadoop systems, and helps companies grasp their data.

Microsoft previously increased investments in improving its analytics capabilities in its on-premise data platforms, hybrid cloud environments and Microsoft Azure.