Channel Daily News

Multi-tasking IT professionals

July 22, 2008
Good thing I lied about my age
IT World Canada
Greg Meckbach explains why he fudged his date of birth on Facebook.

“It’s difficult to rob a person blind simply by obtaining his or her date of birth. This doesn’t change the fact that when a social networking site asks for your date of birth, it’s kind of like asking for your latest medical records. You just have to hope they’re smart enough to keep this information private.”

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The double life of today’s IT professionals
Network World
Denise Dubie writes about the dual roles of IT professionals.

“Now IT professionals are being asked to take on dual roles within their current organizations. High-tech workers have to keep with new skills, ensure older skills aren’t outdated and learn how to market themselves with social networking tools to get ahead in their current position or find new work online.”

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Ok, we have our first DNA-based dating service: GenePartner
Michael Arrington reports on how a DNA test conducted by a Switzerland-based company will help someone find his or her perfect match.

“They’ve (GenePartner) analyzed ‘hundreds of couples’ and have determined the genetic patterns found in successful relationships. Based on their algorithm and your DNA, they’ll determine the probability for a satisfying and long-lasting relationship between two people.”

What’s your opinion?