Channel Daily News

NASA turns 50

July 28, 2008
And the winner is . . . everyone
Network World Canada
Howard Solomon takes a breath and evaluates the winners and losers in Canada’s wireless spectrum auction.

“Iain Grant, managing director of the SeaBoard Group consultancy, isn’t impressed with all of the 10MHz licences Globalive rounded up across much of the country. That’s fine for voice services, he notes, but not good enough if customers start intensively using data services.”

What’s your opinion?

Steve Jobs admits Katie Cotton lied for him
Owen Thomas is shocked, shocked I say, to discover a PR person may have been less than forthcoming with the truth.

“Top Apple flack Katie Cotton, who has long put Jobs’s interests above those of Apple shareholders’, flat-out lied when she attributed Jobs’s gaunt appearance to ‘a common bug.’”

What’s your opinion?

NASA: 50 Years of Towering Achievement
Tony Long reports on NASA’s first 50 years.

“This week, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration observes the 50th anniversary of its creation. And make no mistake: There’s a lot to celebrate. NASA’s achievements write a glorious chapter in human history, one that’s nearly impossible to overstate. Is it fair to call NASA the greatest scientific and exploratory agency ever created? It is.”

What’s your opinion?