Channel Daily News

New non-profit channel association is launched

TORONTO — Leading technology companies were on hand at the annual Channel Elite Awards as Computer Dealer News (CDN – a publication of IT World Canada) announced a new non-profit association, the Canadian Channel Chiefs Council.  Founding members and serving on the Board of Directors are Channel Chiefs from companies such as Microsoft, Dell, NetApp, Avaya, Navantis, and Cisco.

The Canadian Channel Chiefs Council has a mandate to establish an accreditation program for Channel professionals, further professional development, and raise the profile and recognition of the critical role Channel Chiefs play in value creation for technology companies.  In addition to education and certification, the Association will promote the sharing of best practices and provide other benefits such as research and benchmarking studies, mentorship, and peer-to-peer networking.

“The world has changed” said Paolo Del Nibletto, President of the Canadian Channel Chiefs Council.  “”As technology became widely adopted, businesses everywhere recognized both the need and critical value of the CIO role. Similarly, in today’s world, technology vendors themselves are recognizing the need and value created by strategic and effective Channel Chiefs and the void that currently exists with the talent pool for individuals with the requisite skill set, experience, and knowledge.”

The Channel Chief title is not currently widely-recognized and many companies have individuals that perform this function with titles such as VP, Business or Partner Sales. The function represents a hybrid sales/marketing role, distinct and separate from direct sales, and is recognized a critical driver of business revenues and brand.

“We are thrilled to be a part of this”, said Renzo DiPasquale, VP Channels, Avaya. “For too long, the role of Channel Chief has been seen as an adjunct to the Sales role whereas in reality the two roles are very separate and distinct.  Channel sales require different expertise and skill sets and instrumental in building and maintaining recurrent and distinct revenue streams”.

The Council is currently refining its strategic plan and business frameworks and anticipates providing training and professional development over the course of the next few months. The long-term plan includes a full accreditation program complete with designation, a research capability, chapter offices, and an active membership program to meet the needs of channel professionals.