Channel Daily News

Nokia: There will be NO smartphone division selloff to Microsoft

January 6, 2011

Nokia: There will be NO smartphone division selloff to Microsoft On The Register, Anna Leach reports that the rumours won’t die. “Microsoft could be interested in Nokia’s thick wad of patents and could possibly wish to shore up their hardware capabilities following Google’s purchase of of Motorola. Microsoft’s track record on hardware is mixed: the XBox has been a big success but a previous attempt at a phone – the teen-focused Kin – flopped in 2009,” she writes. What’s your opinion?

RIM focuses on one next-gen BlackBerry On ZDNet, gives his take. “If RIM weren’t such a mess I’d applaud the move to focus on one device. The problem is that RIM is having software trouble, design issues and marketing woes. And oh yeah the two CEOs at the RIM need to go,” he writes. What’s your opinion

Death By smartphone: How mobile photography helped kill Kodak On ReadWriteWeb,  looks at the company’s decline. “The ubiquity of digital and mobile photography didn’t single-handedly drive Kodak into bankruptcy, but it may well have delivered the final blow. Even the company’s attempts to get into the digital photography market with its EasyShare line of point-and-shoots couldn’t keep up with the explosion of the smartphone, nor was its printer business successful enough to make up for its losses from the death of film,” he writes. What’s your opinion?