Channel Daily News

Privacy Commissioner announces consultations on privacy and cloud computing

The Privacy Commissioner of Canada announced last Thursday, upcoming consultations related to privacy issues and cloud computing.

Jennifer Stoddart, Privacy Commissioner, said Canadian businesses and individuals are more likely to take advantage of cloud computing technologies.

“Businesses and individual Canadians are increasingly likely to make use of cloud computing technologies,” Stoddart said. “And yet, they are often unaware that their activities could be affecting their own privacy. Our goal is to learn more about these issues, so that Canadians, in turn, can also become better informed.”

The public consultation will give the Office a better understanding of privacy issues that are related to cloud computing and will help with the development of new public education and outreach resources. It will also help with the next parliamentary review of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).

The consultation process has already begun and the Office is accepting written submissions up until April 15.