Channel Daily News

Renders of the BlackBerry “Vienna”, successor to the Priv, are here

Reviews for the BlackBerry Priv are still hot off the press (here’s ours) but there is already talk of the device’s spiritual successor.

Unconfirmed renders for BlackBerry’s next Android-powered phone have leaked, and is codenamed “Vienna”, according to the folks over at CrackBerry.

The second Android-powered BlackBerry device, codenamed “Vienna” features a persistent keyboard

Rather than a slide-out keyboard, the phone looks to feature a persistent one in the style of the company’s traditional devices.

These leaks come in light of CEO John Chen’s statements that the Canadian company would continue to roll out new products, including others on Android. Despite mixed reviews overall of the Priv, sales for the device are reportedly higher than anticipated.

Time will tell whether adopting the most popular smartphone operating system as a strategy rather than a one-off device is enough for BlackBerry to sway consumers to the tune of moving 5 million units a year.

Release for the Vienna could still be a ways off; the Priv began selling only this week. Device specs are also not known at this point. What are your thoughts on BlackBerry’s potential as a quasi-OEM for Android?