Channel Daily News

Research study finds that looking at Apple logo can boost one’s creativity

Apr. 2, 2008
Eat, pray, love, compute
IT World Canada
After reading Elizabeth Gilbert’s book, “Eat, Pray, Love,” Shane Schick relates what he’s read to IT managers and what words are often associated with them.

“IT managers probably have their own words. Some might describe them as a group, while others might encompass the totality of their lives. As a profession, there are a few that readily come to mind, like INNOVATE, though that may be more ‘aspirational’ than a reflection of reality. For a lot of them it’s more likely FIX, unfortunately. Depending on the kind of projects that make up much of their time, it could be IMPROVE, which combines a bit of both.”

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Apple logo makes you creative. Really
Hamilton Nolan writes about a study conducted by Duke University measuring how creative people can get just by looking at the Apple logo.

“Researchers at Duke University found that ‘even the briefest exposure to the Apple logo may make you behave more creatively.’ Participants (listed) all of the uses for a brick that they could imagine beyond building a wall. People…exposed to the Apple logo generated significantly more unusual uses for the brick compared with those who were primed with (another) logo.”

What’s your opinion?

A robot for your living room
Network World
Videonet looks at a new prototype robot that Toshiba has created.

“Toshiba’s prototype robot can control devices in your living room. The robot, called ApriPoco, learns from users and then can act on their command. Toshiba hopes to commercialize ApriPoco one day.”

What’s your opinion?