Channel Daily News

RIM reportedly turned down takeover proposal from Amazon

December 21, 2011

RIM reportedly turned down takeover proposal from Amazon On ZDNet, reports on the possibility. “It almost sounds too ridiculous to be true. It’s already evident that RIM cannot fix its problems on its own as everything has pretty much gone sour before and since the launch of the BlackBerry PlayBook this year. (That’s at least within the U.S. market and on consumer levels. Look at the international and business scenes, and it’s a different story),” she writes. What’s your opinion?

Rackspace taps North American channel chief to lead global On Talkin’ Cloud,   reports on the change in leadership. “My initial guess would be that Rajiah intends to keep the channel program running as is rather than overhaul it. Why fix something that works? The Rackspace Partner Program is a major reason why Rackspace became a $1 billion company in 2011. But we’ll monitor the change over at the beginning of the year in case serious changes are made,” he writes. What’s your opinion?

Facebook shoves your face into creepy ‘sponsored stories’ in 2012 On The Register, Kelly Fiveash looks at changes on the social networking site for the coming year. “Facebook will begin adding photos of its users to third-party adverts appearing in users’ news feeds come early next year, and there’s no way out of being featured alongside a tin of baked beans or a pair of knickers on the social network,” Fiveash reports. What’s your opinion?