Channel Daily News

Saying goodbye to the retiring Bill Gates

Jan. 8, 2008
Bill Gates: a hell of a nice guy but no IT visionary
IT World Canada
Dan McLean sounds off on Bill Gates.

“As an IT journalist for 15 years, I can’t recall one occasion where I thought Bill Gates said anything truly inspiring about IT…The fact is that Bill was mostly pretty dull and a seemingly uninspired when discussing IT. He certainly wasn’t dynamic and hardly the overtly passionate tech nerd that he’d often been portrayed as being.”

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Next Windows Home Server release due this spring
ZD Net
Mary Jo Foley reveals Microsoft’s latest private testing of its Windows Home Server (WHS) update, Power Pack 1.

“WHS Power Pack 1 will include a number of new features, according to the company, including: support for Vista x64 PCs. The WHS Connector will be able to be installed on home computers running 64-bit Vista (although not 64-bit XP) systems, (and a) new backup option. When adding a hard drive to WHS, users will be given the option to use the hard drive for backing up the home server.”

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Wikia Search gets a nasty welcome
The Globe and Mail
Mathew Ingram examines the new online search engine startup, Wikia Search, and compares it to Google.

“Wikia Search has two strikes against it, in a way: the first is that it wants to compete with Google, the $180-billion behemoth that pretty much owns the online search business. And the second is that Wikia Search comes from Jimmy Wales, the founder of the “open source” encyclopedia known as Wikipedia. That’s a pretty tough act to follow.”

What’s your opinion?