Channel Daily News

ServiceKey protests innocence in Oracle ‘grey market’ spat

February 27, 2012

ServiceKey protests innocence in Oracle ‘grey market’ spat On The Register, Paul Kunert provides an update on the case. “Specifically, Oracle’s case contends that ServiceKey bought Oracle kit with a support services contract, obtaining a Customer Support Identification number used to access a secure site to download patches, updates and fixes,” he writes. What’s your opinion?

Netflix: No plans to support PlayBook On ZDNet, reports. “While Android support may end up being a viable alternative to developing a native Netflix app, it’s clear that Netflix has little faith in the reversal of RIM’s fortunes,” he writes. What’s your opinion?

OpenStack and Microsoft Hyper-V support: what really went wrong? On Talkin’ Cloud, looks at that question. “For cloud services providers (CSPs), integration between OpenStack and Hyper-V is genuinely important. Most CSPs offer a mix of Linux and Windows Servers in the cloud. Virtualizating those servers — using VMware, Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) and/or Hyper-V is a key requirement for many of those CSPs,” he writes. What’s your opinion?