Channel Daily News

Some advice on Microsoft’s CIO search

Nov. 8, 2007
What Microsoft needs from its next CIO
IT World Canada
Shane Schick has some advice for the HR department at Microsoft.

”Microsoft has the opportunity with Scott’s replacement to show its vast audience how someone with unparalleled IT resources can galvanize an organization with a reputation for sluggishness and so-so operational execution (like getting products released on time) into something other companies should emulate.”

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Whole Foods Muzzles Executives’ Online Chatter
Terrence Russell reports on the dangers of executive blogging, and the measures one company is taking.

“According to a source close to the matter, company executives can no longer post on blogs, message boards, or chat rooms about company matters — anonymous or otherwise.”

What’s your opinion?

Questions over government file-sharing study
Globe Technology
Matthew Ingram reports on the debate around the impact of file sharing in album sales.

”It’s natural to assume that downloading music would lead to fewer sales of CDs. But is it solely responsible for the decline in sales over the past decade, or are there other factors at work?“

What’s your opinion?