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SonicWall’s latest inspection tech can detect Meltdown, company says

SonicWall is calling the release of its new inspection technology a big win for the security industry.

The company’s security researchers say their Capture Cloud Platform’s new engine, Capture Cloud Real-Time Deep Memory Inspection (RTDMI), can detect vulnerabilities such as Meltdown and offers IT professionals trying to ward off daily cyber attacks a serious advantage.

“Threat actors have been so far ahead of the game they’ve been able to create highly evasive malware without the greater industry even knowing,” SonicWall President and CEO Bill Conner said in a statement. “This new real-time deep memory inspection technology, coupled with more than a decade of machine-learning experience, will help level the playing field and eliminate some of the most challenging attack vectors.”

RTDMI has been operational for months, says SonicWall, and is discovering hundreds of new malware strands. The engine performs real-time deep memory inspections that can detect, and block, encrypted malware that exposes itself for less than 100 nanoseconds. Upon discovery, RTDMI forces malware to reveal itself. Encrypted malware can remain hidden for a long time in traditional sandbox engines.

“Sandbox techniques are often ineffective when analyzing the most modern malware. SonicWall’s RTDMI technology is very fast and very precise,” said John Gmuender, SonicWall CTO.

SonicWall researchers suggest the RTDMI will detect future Meltdown vulnerabilities. Meltdown was first published by Google’s Project Zero security team Jan. 3.