Channel Daily News

Sun CEO Schwartz tweets poetic lament on last day

Jonathan Schwartz announced his resignation as CEO of Sun Microsystems in a message sent via Twitter early Thursday.

Even within the 140-character constraints imposed by Twitter, he remained eloquent, closing his message with a haiku.

“Today’s my last day at Sun. I’ll miss it. Seems only fitting to end on a #haiku. Financial crisis/Stalled too many customers/CEO no more”.

Schwartz’s departure was foreshadowed by a message on Jan. 28, the day after Oracle closed its acquisition of Sun, in which he pointed readers to what he described as “Likely my last blog at Sun…

He joined Sun in 1996 when it acquired the company he ran, Lighthouse Design. In his farewell blog posting, he wished other Sun employees “all the best of luck building, taking advantage of (and likely wearing) the future!” but said nothing of his own future plans.