Channel Daily News

The amount of global digital information is growing

Global digital information (the digital universe) amounted to 281 billion gigabytes (GB) (281 exabytes) in 2007, or almost 45 GB of digital information for every person on Earth, according to EMC-sponsored research by IDC. The figure is 10 per cent more than the previous estimate, and is expected to hit 1.8 zettabytes (1,800 exabytes) in 2011.

In graphical terms, IDC describes the digital universe to be the equivalent of over 17 billion eight GB iPhones. IDC notes that the digital universe has a compound annual growth rate of about 60 percent, thanks to a jump in worldwide shipments of digital cameras and televisions, as well as better understanding of information replication trends.

Increasing internet access in developing nations, sensor-based applications and extensive online social networks have also contributed to the growth of digital information worldwide.

“For the first time, your digital shadow is larger than the digital information you actively create about yourself, such as taking pictures, sending e-mails, or making digital voice calls” says John Gantz, IDC’s chief research officer and senior vice president.

Gantz explains that the digital shadow refers to information about a person, including names in financial records and mailing lists, web surfing histories or images of the individual taken by security cameras in public places.

IDC notes that to deal with the digital explosion, development of organization-wide policies to ensure information security and retention, as well as data access, is essential.

The IDC study also reveals that enterprise share of the digital universe is skewed by industry, with little relationship to GDP or IT spending. For example, the finance industry accounts for almost 20 per cent of global IT spending, but only 6 per cent of the digital universe.