Channel Daily News

The golden age of gaming

Aug. 27, 2007
Microsoft dumps anti-Linux site Get the Facts
Scott Gilbertson has this story on Microsoft being nicer to Linux.

”The old site garnered a good deal of publicity when it was revealed that Microsoft tried to influence the analysts hired to perform “impartial” studies comparing Windows and Linux in order to show Microsoft offerings in a more favorable light.”

What’s your opinion?

Open Source errors
Matt Asay has this story about Open Source code and Xensource.

“The unfortunate thing about writing all your thoughts down in a blog is that it makes it very clear just how wrong I can be sometimes. My “code” is online, for everyone to see, analyze, and critique.”

What’s your opinion?

The golden age of gaming
IT Wire
Mike Bantick has this piece on gaming going in another direction.

” With a robust competition driving a three way console race, a focus on gaming for both the Windows and Mac platform, and a slew of exciting titles heading our way, we are entering the next ‘Golden Age’ of gaming goodness. Let’s look at some up-coming offerings.”

What’s your opinion?