Channel Daily News

The iPhone 5’s portable genius

Apple’s iPhone 5 has been released to some mixed results.

Author Paul McFedries has released a new book to help those frustrated Mac-lovers with their new device.

McFedries’ book called iPhone 5 Portable Genius has been published by Wiley & Sons and focuses on helping the end user make the most of the new iPhone 5.

The book is a guide that unveils the best and more enjoyable ways to use the smartphone. According to the publisher, McFedries presents the information in a hip, helpful way. The book has tips, tricks, and techniques that cover the practical as well as the newest features of the device such as iOS 5, Siri, FaceTime video calling, HD video recording, and multitasking.

One of the goals of this book is to help the user keep his or her digital lifestyle humming.

McFedries calls himself a Mac expert and full-time technical writer. He has written more than 75 books that have sold more than four million copies worldwide. His books include The new iPad Portable Genius and Macs Portable Genius, Second Edition.

I wonder if McFedries can help iPhone 5 users find the Near Field Communications feature?