Channel Daily News

The island of misfit wikis

Sept. 27, 2007
The content-recognition bakeoff
LA Times
Jon Healey blogs about the love hate relationship between Hollywood and high tech.

”There was one obvious winner in the MPAA’s test of content-recognition technologies, and that would be Hollywood. The association disclosed a brief summary of the results at a conference on online entertainment held Thursday in cooperation with the University of California. Paradoxically, though, the results might prove to be a boon for user-generated content sites and the people who love them.”

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The Halo 3 launch party
Daily Tech
Microsoft kicks off Halo 3 frenzy live from Silicon Valley.

“Three hundred people were invited through a Lunch 2.0 event, with additional media and Microsoft employees sticking around to enjoy the festivities. I wish more people had the opportunity to schmooze and enjoy free food and gaming, but logistical issues would have obviously arisen at some point.”

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The island of misfit wikis
Rough Type
Nicolas Carr blogging about wikis and the Jetsons.

”Yes, Montahue Jetson, the grandfather of George Jetson, has lost his place in The Free Encyclopedia That Anyone Can Edit Except You. The link that once led to Montahue’s homely little spot in The Sum of All Human Knowledge now dumps you unceremoniously into the general entry for the Jetsons.).“

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