Channel Daily News

The Little Geeks’ Toronto computer initiative

June 2, 2008
Little Brother audio book: Audible vs eMusic vs Zipidee
IT World Canada
Rusell McOrmond relays some of the benefits of downloading an Audio Book.

“If you download an Audio Book that you have been hearing around and dieing to read for more than a year before it is released, make sure you have some available time – you won’t have your eyes getting tired to slow you down, and you’ll listen to the whole thing in short order.”

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Big advertisers to buy ads by the quarter, not the year
Nicholas Carlson explains why some companies have changed the way they are now paying for advertising.

“Heavy-spending packaged goods advertisers, such as $300 million-a-month Procter & Gamble, don’t want to make annual ad-planning commitments anymore. Due to rising fuel, food, and commodity costs, these advertisers only want to commit to spending quarter by quarter. ‘The planning cycle has changed,’ Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia president Wenda Harris Millard told Silicon Alley insider.”

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Little Geeks helps hook kids up with PCs
The Globe and Mail
Mathew Ingram writes on Toronto’s very own, Little Geeks, a charitable foundation that aims to provide refurbished computers to underprivileged children in Toronto.

“According to Ben Lucier, who has been spearheading the (Little Geeks) campaign, on June 12th Little Geeks will be delivering 100 computers — loaded with Windows XP and Microsoft Office — to families with underprivileged children, and hopes to expand the program throughout Canada and even into other countries in the future.”

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