Channel Daily News

The Macbook Air and weak CPUs

October 22, 2010
Why Apple Saddled the MacBook Air With Weak CPUs
Chris Foresman reports on some of Apple’s choices with the new Macbook Air.

“At long, long last, the Macbook Air has been updated. But if you were hoping for enough CPU muscle in the new models to keep a bunch of Flash-addled webpages from bringing the entire portable to its knees, then you’re going to be sorely disappointed – the Core 2 Duo is still with us in the new models. In fact, the 11-inch Macbook Air actually trails its predecessor in clockspeed, while the 13-inch model hasn’t changed at all.

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Increasing the business-value of cloud-based IT services
The VAR Guy
Kunjal Trivedi offers a cloud computing reality-check.

“Cloud computing is currently a hot topic for many in the technology industry, but the question facing any business utilizing IT services is whether this cloud phenomenon supports their requirement to meet the top-line business charter and objectives while impacting bottom-line costs. ”

Ask Engadget: best 30-inch LCD monitor out there?
Darren Murph is looking for the best 30” LCD monitor.

“The 30-inch monitor space has become increasingly competitive over the past couple of years, and your options now are more numerous than ever. So, what 30-incher are you reading this right now on?”

What’s your opinion?