Channel Daily News

The Palm Pre Touchstone solution

April 13, 2009
Like it or not: Office 2007 SP2 coming later this month
Network World
Microsoft Subnet provides details about Microsoft’s upcoming Office 2007 Service Pack 2 release product.

“Office 2007 SP2 will include support for Open Document Format (ODF), improve the performance of the Outlook 2007 e-mail client and add a feature that makes it easier to uninstall service packs. However, Microsoft has not mentioned the release of a service pack blocking tool for this update. It does not seem to have one posted to its Web site and none was released for SP1, reports Computerworld.”

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HP bets on software as a strategy
ZD Net
Tom Foremski writes that in today’s tough economic climate, HP is expecting a lot from its software business to help maintain its profits. Here’s why.

“‘(HP’s) software business is the largest strategic weapon we have,” said Robin Purohit, who runs HP’s $3 billion software business. Software As A Service (SAAS) is a key part of HP’s software strategy and part of simplifying customer IT systems. ‘About two-thirds of our products are delivered as SAAS. Customers will still buy licenses but they want us to host and run the software,’ he said.”

Palm Pre Touchstone to be an entire product line, not just a charging dock
Nilay Patel writes that Palm may be introducing its Palm Pre Touchstone product as part of an entire product line. More details follow here.

“Although Palm’s reps basically stick to the same script when giving out those lengthy Pre walkthrough demos, every now and again they’ll let something interesting slip — like the fact that the Touchstone inductive charging dock is just the first product in an entire line of Touchstone wireless products. It’s not clear if that simply means that ‘Touchstone’ will be Palm’s wireless power branding, or if there will be Touchstone products that do more than simply charge devices, but we’re certainly eager to find out more — and hopefully soon..”

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