Channel Daily News

The seven most annoying things about the future

June 20, 2007
More changes needed to Vista
Seattle Post Intelligencer
Microsoft watcher Todd Bishop blogs about changes to Google and Vista.

“Microsoft’s current approach to Vista desktop search clearly violates the consent decree and limits consumer choice. We are pleased that as a result of Google’s request that the consent decree be enforced, the Department of Justice and state Attorneys General have required Microsoft to make changes to Vista. These remedies are a step in the right direction, but they should be improved further to give consumers greater access to alternate desktop search providers.”

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The seven most annoying things about the future
Nick Douglas does not write you typical blog about how technology helps us and the community.

”No self-driving cars, no virtual-reality PCs. For all the promise of futuristic technology, it ends up entering our lives as a series of annoyances: spam, impossible-to-open plastic packaging, those pagers you hold while waiting for your table at Applebee’s. Laptop users invade our cafes.”

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IT still matters, but only for a few companies
The Curious Capitalist
Justin Fox says that IT will still matter, but only to those companies who have very deep pockets.

“ In May 2003, Nicholas Carr published an article in the Harvard Business Review called “IT Doesn’t Matter ” that launched his glorious career as a technology pundit and made a lot of people in Silicon Valley really angry. Carr’s argument was that for most big companies, information technology had become a simple necessity, not a source of competitive advantage. Which seemed to be horrendous news for a producer of super-high-end computing equipment and software like Sun Microsystems. And sure enough, Sun lost money every fiscal year from 2002 to 2006.”

What’s your opinion?