Channel Daily News

The wireless holy grail

Sept. 28, 2007
The niche phone market is too hard
The Tech Chronicles
Disney mobile follows the lead of Mobile ESPN in calling it quits.

”This is the third high profile mobile virtual network operator to throw in the towel in the last year. In addition to Mobile ESPN, Amp’d Mobile also closed its doors in July after filing for bankruptcy.”

What’s your opinion?

Is this another Palm debacle?
Tech Web
Palm is up to something with Sprint.

“This most striking aspect of Palm’s new gadget is that it is absolutely tiny. Palm CEO Ed Colligan’s hand dwarfed it at today’s press conference at the Digital Life show in NYC. Not only is it tiny, it is positively a consumer-focused device?”

What’s your opinion?

The wireless holy grail
Tech dirt
For years and years we’ve been hearing about how software-defined radio was the holy grail of wireless technologies.

”The idea is that the wireless radio is software-based, rather than hardware-based, and therefore can change on the fly. Thus, a single device can, in theory, do a lot more. For example, it could automatically find the best network and switch you to that network, even if it involves a totally different type of network.“

What’s your opinion?