Channel Daily News

There will be no deal with Microsoft and Ubuntu

June 18, 2007
There will be no deal with Microsoft and Ubuntu
Scott Gilbertson gets the news from Mark Shuttleworth on the juicy rumours about Ubuntu and Microsoft.

“With the flurry of Microsoft-Linux vendor patent deals in recent weeks, we asked you to vote on who you thought would be next to join the ranks of Novell, Linspire, and Xandros, all of which have signed deals with Microsoft which provide patent protection..”

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Dell ironing outs its partnership kinks
Declan McCullagh has this interesting story of an all-too sensitive Dell and a blogger.

”A blog post at offering tips on buying from Dell drew a nasty cease-and-desist letter from the company’s attorney and then, in quick succession, a chastened apology from a Dell manager.”

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HD DVD is on the ropes
IT Wire
Adam Turner reports on another black eye for HD DVD with the news that Blockbuster will be backing the Blu-ray standard.

“After renting Blu-ray and HD DVD titles in 250 stores since late last year, Blockbuster has decide to stock only Blu-ray in its other 1250 US stores. Customers were choosing Blu-ray titles more than 70 percent of the time.”

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